All images and site content are Copyright ©2010-2017 by Bogdan Jarzyna unless otherwise noted for specific content. If you would like to use one or more of my photographs by another arrangement, please review the terms below first, and then contact mIf all you want to do is place a hyperlink to one of my pages on your website or use a photo for wallpaper on your PC’s desktop, there is no need to contact me for permission. I only need to hear from you if you are going to display or print or otherwise use a photograph.All other use must be by my written (e.g., email) permission. I’m a pretty easy-going guy, but please contact me before you use my photographs.If the use is non-commercial, say for a non-profit organization or local club presentations, etc., I generally do not charge any fee. I usually only ask that I be given credit for the photo in the form of a byline and copyright statement (i.e., ” ©2017 Bogdan Jarzyna,”).If a photograph is to be included on a web site, I will ask that in addition to the above byline, wherever convenient, a link be place to my website:, please email me: a link to the page where the photo appears. This is purely for my interest only… I like to keep track of where my photos are used If the photograph(s) are to appear in printed materials, I would like to receive a copy for my files.That covers non-commercial uses. For commercial uses, say in a book to be published and sold with the intention of making a profit, or an advertisement, please contact with detailed information regarding the use and I will quote a usage fee, if the particular form of usage is acceptable. (I won’t grant permission for use in the context of astrology, for example.)In all cases, unless we explicitly negotiate otherwise, usage is limited to what I specifically grant permission for, and I will retain the copyright on all of the photographs.