
The Pinwheel Galaxy, M101, NGC 5457 (L)

Photo Details:

Telescope: TEC140 f/5.2

Camera: ATIK One 6.0

Mount: Paramount MyT

Exposure: (L) 8h L 100x300s binx1

Date and place: 05.2018 Ochojno, Poland

The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101, M101 or NGC 5457) is a face-on spiral galaxy distanced 21 million light-years away from earth in the constellation Ursa Major. First discovered by Pierre Méchain on March 27, 1781, it was communicated to Charles Messier who verified its position for inclusion in the Messier Catalogue as one of its final entries. On February 28, 2006, NASA and the European Space Agency released a very detailed image of the Pinwheel Galaxy, which was the largest and most detailed image of a galaxy by Hubble Space Telescope at the time.The image was composed of 51 individual exposures, plus some extra ground-based photos.The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101, M101 or NGC 5457) is a face-on spiral galaxy distanced 21 million light-years away from earth in the constellation Ursa Major. First discovered by Pierre Méchain on March 27, 1781, it was communicated to Charles Messier who verified its position for inclusion in the Messier Catalogue as one of its final entries. On February 28, 2006, NASA and the European Space Agency released a very detailed image of the Pinwheel Galaxy, which was the largest and most detailed image of a galaxy by Hubble Space Telescope at the time.The image was composed of 51 individual exposures, plus some extra ground-based photos.

Kolejne zdjęcie galaktyki z przedmieścia Krakowa. Tym razem obiekt dość oklepany co nie znaczy, że łatwy Galaktyka M101 popularnie zwana Wiatrakiem.
Trudność tego obiektu polega głównie na słabej powierzchniowo jasności. Jest dość duża lecz często zewnętrzne jej części na zdjęciach wychodzą bardzo słabe.
Aby pokazać ją w wersji tak zwanej mięsistej zebrałem 100 ekspozycji po 300s w samej luminancji.